01 Engine oil filter
Maintenance cycle synchronized with Energetic Graphene engine oil maintenance cycle.Graphene engine oil additive mixed with normal engine oil is also recommended.
02 Automatic transmission fluid
Comprehensive maintenance cycle 80,000 kilometers
The maintenance cycle and type of automatic transmission fluid vary for each type of transmission. When choosing, the type should be consistent with the original factory fluid. Some transmissions are claimed to be maintenance-free for life, but it is advisable to change if possible.
03 Transmission oil filter
It is recommended to replace the filter when changing the transmission oil
Different transmission filters have different materials, and not all of them can be removed and replaced.
04 Manual transmission oil
Maintenance cycle 100,000 kilometers
05 Antifreeze
Maintenance cycle 50,000 kilometers, long-life antifreeze maintenance cycle 100,000 kilometers
Different antifreeze additives are different, and mixing is not recommended. When choosing antifreeze, pay attention to the freezing point temperature to avoid failure in winter. In case of emergency, a small amount of distilled water or purified water can be added, but never use tap water, as it can cause rust in the waterways.
06 Windshield washer fluid
In cold weather, choose antifreeze windshield washer fluid, otherwise it may freeze at low temperatures, which can damage the motor when sprayed.
07 Brake fluid
Replacement cycle 60,000 kilometers
Whether brake fluid needs to be replaced mainly depends on the water content in the fluid. The more water, the lower the boiling point, and the more likely it is to fail. The water content in the brake fluid can be tested at an auto repair shop to determine if it needs to be replaced.
08 Power steering fluid
Recommended replacement cycle 50,000 kilometers
09 Differential oil
Rear differential oil replacement cycle 60,000 kilometers
Front-wheel-drive front differentials are integrated with the transmission and do not require separate differential oil replacement.
10 Transfer case oil
Replacement cycle 100,000 kilometers
Only four-wheel-drive models have a transfer case, which transfers power to the front and rear differentials.
11 Spark plugs
Nickel alloy spark plug replacement cycle 60,000 kilometers
Platinum spark plug replacement cycle 80,000 kilometers
Iridium spark plug replacement cycle 100,000 kilometers
12 Engine drive belt
Replacement cycle 80,000 kilometers
Can be extended until cracks appear before replacement
13 Timing drive belt
Recommended replacement cycle 100,000 kilometers
The timing drive belt is sealed under the timing cover and is an important part of the valve timing system. Damage can affect the valve timing and damage the engine.
14 Timing chain
Replacement cycle 200,000 kilometers
Similar to the timing drive belt, but lubricated with engine oil and has a longer lifespan. The material of the timing cover can be observed to determine the timing drive method. Generally, plastic indicates a timing belt, while aluminum or iron indicates a timing chain.
15 Throttle body cleaning
Maintenance cycle 20,000 kilometers
If the air quality is poor or there are frequent windy conditions, it is recommended to clean every 10,000 kilometers.
16 Air filter
Clean the air filter every time the engine oil is changed
If it is not very dirty, it can be blown with an air gun. If it is too dirty, it needs to be replaced.
17 Cabin air filter
Clean the cabin air filter every time the engine oil is changed
18 Fuel filter
Internal filter maintenance cycle 100,000 kilometers
External filter maintenance cycle 50,000 kilometers
19 Brake pads
Front brake pad replacement cycle 50,000 kilometers
Rear brake pad replacement cycle 80,000 kilometers
This refers to disc brake pads. During braking, the front wheels bear a greater load, so the wear rate of the front brake pads is about twice that of the rear wheels. When the front brake pads are replaced twice, the rear brake pads should be replaced once.
Generally, when the brake pad thickness is around 3 millimeters, it needs to be replaced (the brake pad inside the wheel hub gap can be directly seen).
20 Brake discs
Front brake disc replacement cycle 100,000 kilometers
Rear brake disc replacement cycle 120,000 kilometers
When the edge of the brake disc is significantly raised, it needs to be replaced. Basically, every two times the brake pads are replaced, the brake discs need to be replaced.
21 Tires
Replacement cycle 80,000 kilometers
Front and rear or diagonal rotation cycle 10,000 kilometers
Tire grooves usually have a limit wear indicator block. When the tread depth is close to this indicator, it needs to be replaced. Tire rotation is to ensure even wear on all four tires, reducing the frequency of replacement. Some performance cars are equipped with directional tires and cannot be rotated front to rear or diagonally.
After a long time, tires are prone to cracking. When cracks appear on the tread rubber, they can still be used, but if cracks appear in the grooves or sidewalls, it is recommended to replace them. When there is a bulge on the sidewall, the internal steel wire has ruptured and needs to be replaced.
Post time: Sep-20-2024